Even before I became published, I enjoyed visiting book review blogs to find interesting, new reads, and I greatly respect those book addicts who are able to post their honest reviews for the world to see. My guest today, Tanya Contois, is one such person. As the founder of the All Things Book blog and a reviewer for Bee's Knees Reviews, Tanya also recently became a published author herself. Her first book,
Wicked Little Lies, has been released as a series, and as a fan of YA/paranormal/romance, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it so far.
The blurb for Wicked Little Lies:
Jocelyn has just turned 18 but instead of having the big celebration she was looking forward to for so long she finds out that not only is she not fully human but the people who raised her aren’t her real parents. Instead of staying to listen to her parents’ explanation, she takes off and ends up going to live with her biological parents, Jacoby and Adeline. Jocelyn quickly makes new friends and gains a potential boyfriend named Sonny, but things are far from safe when Kane, another Cambion, makes his presence known. Now Jocelyn is left with many questions but few answers. What does the future hold for her, and will she end up with Sonny? Only time will tell.
Angela: Welcome to my blog today, Tanya! You’re the founder of the All Things Book blog, you’ve been reviewing books for years, and you recently started the ParaYourNormal group on Facebook for fans of the paranormal romance and urban fantasy genres. What prompted you to start the blog and post reviews and become so involved in the book community?
Tanya: I created the Facebook page All Things Books first, and a couple weeks later, I created the blog. I started both the fan page and the blog because of my love of books. I wanted to share that with fellow book lovers, and I certainly never imagined it would become such a hugely popular blog and fan page. Everything else I do came later on and I feel honored that I have gotten to know and work with so many wonderful people.
Angela: In your opinion, what makes a book a great read?
Tanya: In my opinion, a book that is a great read allows the reader to feel the character's every emotion through the author's words. I also think that characters who have flaws and quirks also make a book more enjoyable because it makes the characters easy to relate to.
Angela: Your first book, “Wicked Little Lies,” was recently published through Trestle Press. How does it feel to make the leap from book blogger to author?
Tanya: Honestly, it still hasn't sunk in completely and having so many people know who I am feels a bit surreal. One day, not long ago, I was stuck home sick and bored out of my skull, so I decided to do a Google search of my name. Seeing all those hits really freaked me out because I am not all that interesting. :)
Angela: Not interesting?! I don't believe it! I have to say I have really enjoyed reading the “Wicked Little Lies” series and am eagerly anticipating another volume. Please tell me we can expect it soon – and give us a hint of what we can look forward to.
Tanya: Volume 4 will be released either this week or next week, and a new character is introduced while another's true self is revealed.
Angela: What inspired your story and characters?
Tanya: The inspiration behind the story is simply that I wanted to write about something new and fresh - something that hadn't already had countless books written about it and after doing a bit of research I came up with Cambions. Now I have seen at least 2-3 other books about Cambions, which I think is fantastic. As for the characters, they are 100% fictional except for Jocelyn. I incorporated some of my quirks into her character.
Angela: Please tell us, what are you working on next?
Tanya: I'm nearly finished with a short-story collection titled
Cloaked in Darkness, and I have 3 WIPs that I'm working on. They are
Adoration, which will be YA Fantasy;
Crimson Moon, which will be YA Paranormal; and the third is one I am co-authoring with Mary Duke.
Angela: Let’s get to know Tanya the person with these questions. Are you a member of any TV show/film/book fandoms? (If so, which ones and why?)
Tanya: I'm not officially a member of any fandoms. I have told other authors whose books I enjoy reading that I am a fan of their work. Thankfully, I manage not to squeal like a school girl when talking to my favorite authors (at least not aloud anyways).
Angela: What’s the last book you read?
Tanya: The last books I read were
Grave Witch and
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price, which I purchased as a Christmas present for myself along with
Nightwalker by Jocelynn Drake. If you haven't read Ms. Price's books yet you absolutely should. I was hooked instantly.
Angela: If you could spend one day as any fictional character, which one and why?
Tanya: Oh, umm while there are many fictional characters I love, I don't think there are any I'd want to be. For the first time in a very long time I am perfectly happy and content with the direction my life is going.
Angela: Celebrity crush?
Tanya: This is an easy one - Channing Tatum, Jensen Ackles, and Chris Hemsworth.
Angela: Hobbies?
Tanya: Hobbies? Writing started out as a hobby, but other than that, I don't have any hobbies. I hope that doesn't make me a dull or boring person.
Angela: Of course not! Thank you, Tanya, for visiting with me today.
If you'd like to learn more about Tanya or her books, you can connect with her on Facebook at
www.facebook.com/WriterTanyaContois or on Twitter at @tanyalc28. You can also visit All Things Books at