OK, I admit it: Supernatural is my favorite show on television. For those of you who don’t watch it (and shame on you!), the CW’s Supernatural follows two insanely hot brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles), who have spent the last six seasons slaying monsters and demons, partnering with angels to stop the Apocalypse and, in general, being totally awesome ass-kickers who cause fangirls everywhere to swoon under their epic good looks. When the show broke the fourth wall by recognizing its fandom within the storyline in season 5, the character of Becky Rosen was introduced as a fangirl of the The Supernatural Books by Carver Edlund (a fictional author/character on the show. I know. It's complicated to explain, but if you're a fellow fan, this all makes perfect sense!)

Emily Perkins is the talented actress behind the character of Becky Rosen – a wickedly clever and amusing (and sometimes scary!) exaggeration of the show’s fangirls – er, myself included. Aside from that, Emily is also famous among horror fans for playing a teenage werewolf wallflower in the Ginger Snaps series of films – and we all know I’m quite partial to werewolves! I thought it would be fun to ask Emily's publicist if Emily would mind discussing with me the character that Supernatural fans either seem to love or hate as well as offering her take on reading, writing and fandoms. Being the totally awesome woman she is, Emily agreed!
Angela: Welcome to my website, Emily. I’m so thrilled to have you. You’d probably be surprised at how many paranormal romance and urban fantasy authors and their readers absolutely love Supernatural. The show is often a source of much discussion among us on Twitter and Facebook. Personally, I have been a huge fan of yours since Ginger Snaps. When you first appeared on Supernatural I did a huge internal “Squee!”and cheered. It’s even more awesome that your Ginger Snaps co-star Katharine Isabelle has also appeared on the show. I just had to say that!
Emily: Thanks Angela. ... I'm really happy to answer any questions you have!
Angela: Becky Rosen is kind of a comic exaggeration of a lot of Supernatural fangirls out there. How much input did you have in creating the character?
Emily: I originally had auditioned for just the 2 scenes in the first episode that I was in, so the later episodes were written with me, or my performance, in mind. For that reason I think I had quite a bit of input in creating the character.
Angela: Are you yourself fanatic about any fandoms?
Emily: When I was in high school I loved Star Trek the Next Generation. I started a fan club at school, we all made uniforms out of black track suits. We wrote and performed Star Trek skits at school assemblies, and I always played Commander Data. It was so much fun!
Angela: Becky has written some fan-fiction on the show. Do you have any writing ambitions?
Emily: I'd love to write - I certainly admire those who do. I think I might take a creative writing class - who knows, maybe it will spur me to the action that I never seem to find the time for otherwise.
Angela: Do you enjoy reading, and if so, what are some of your favorite books?
Emily: Reading is my favorite pastime. I love the work of David Foster Wallace, Peter Carey, Jennifer Egan, Margaret Atwood, Alice Munroe, and many others. I read the New Yorker every week, and Harper's literary magazine monthly.
Angela: You’ve been a working actress since you were a child and have a very impressive resume. Just to name a few things, you've played a werewolf, a fangirl, and holy cow, you were even in Juno! Which role has been your favorite to play? Are there any roles you’d love the chance to play?

Angela: What projects do you have coming up that your fans can keep an eye out for?
Emily: Nothing right now.
Angela: I would probably be hunted down if I didn’t ask this (forgive me), but do you think we have seen the last of Becky on the show?
Emily: I think it would be really cool if Becky could rally other fans of the Supernatural books and they could all come to Sam and Dean's rescue one day.
Angela: If you could write an ending to Becky’s storyline, where would you take the character?
Emily: I see Becky opening a road-side motel, where drifters or hunters like Sam and Dean would find a temporary shelter. I think she'd take inspiration from the characters passing through and start her own e-book series. Who knows, she might even run into Sam and Dean again that way. It would be a bit of a Bates motel, the kind that would scare the normal people away, but for Becky it would be a sanctuary.
Angela: Ha ha. I love that answer! Is there anything you’d like to say in parting to any fans who might be reading this?
Emily: If fans didn't exist, these great shows like Supernatural wouldn't exist, so thank you!
I want to offer a HUGE thanks to Emily for taking the time to answer my questions. Check out the brief clip below to see her in action on Supernatural, and if you're a fan of horror, definitely watch Ginger Snaps if you haven't already!
EXCELLENT interview, really enjoyed hearing her thoughts, particularly about how she brings life to a character. Actor and writer form a pretty good team, whether Shakespeare or Supernatural!
Thanks Angela for a terrific interview. I'm a BIG fan of the show and it's always welcome to have a bit of comic relief when delving into the darker side of the topics they cover on Supernatural.
Great insight and I think the motel idea is killer! LOL
I didn't like the character Becky at first, she was TOO touchy feely esp with Sam :-), but Emily really has great comic timing and gives the Winchester boys a run for their money!!
PS. She should have stayed with Chuck!
What a fabulous interview! Thanks Emily and Angela :) that drifter hotel and becoming an author ... perfect!
Oh my gosh. I LOVED Becky as a character on the show, and I thought the wedding episode was hilarious. I had no idea how that would play out. Great acting, Emily. And thanks for the interview (Angela--great guest!) I hope they bring Becky back again for something fun on the show. Yeah, that would be killer if she started running a hang out for Hunters. :)
Love Supernatural so I know who Becky is! You should have asked her what happened with Becky and Chuck? They made a great couple.
Awesome. Thank you for doing this. Emily rules! Ginger Snaps is a great movie. I didn't know she was on Supernatural at all, but I have to check out her episodes now.
awesome interview love everything emily perkins and supernatural check out my twitter fanpage @emilyperkinsfan123 please follow
Emily Perkins is amazing! Loved her in Ginger Snaps, especially those sardonic facial expressions! She's quite intelligent, as well as an excellent actor. Enjoyed this interview, and wish her the best of luck in her career!
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