Monday, September 23, 2013

Keeping up...or trying to.

I've been seriously slack in updating this blog because, as you can probably relate, life always has a funny way of throwing things at us that disrupt our routines. In my case, my father had heart surgery Sept. 16 that we've been preparing for and then recovering from. My father is 81, so my brothers and I have been very worried about how he'd handle the surgery. Thankfully he did great, although his recovery has been a little rougher than we'd expected. We've also had lots of visitors, including my niece and nephew who drove up from Florida for a few days to check on their Papa John. Everyone has been great at bringing us food and calling to check on him. We are very blessed to have such incredible friends, neighbors, and family.

I am also blessed to have a great father. When my mother passed away from cancer, I was 12, and my dad took an early retirement from the police force to finish raising me on his own. As the youngest, it was very hard for me, especially since I was the only girl. I'm in my late 30s now, still single, and while I'd much rather have my own place, my cat and I live in my childhood home with my father. I don't mind it so much, since I like being near him in case he needs anything. I figure I owe him for all that he's sacrificed for me, after all, and he's not very demanding.

I took the past week off to help look after my father as he recovered, and I intended to use any time while he was resting to write and stay updated with my friends on social media. That was the plan, anyway. The reality was that I was so busy, I hardly checked my email all week, let alone turned the computer on for something as time-consuming as writing! I'll be returning to the day job Monday and getting back into somewhat of a routine (I hope), and God willing, my dad will continue to get healthier with each passing day.

I also hope to soon be able to share news about the second book in my series from Harper Impulse. You know, I might even be able to do a cover reveal very soon if my editor lets me. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, it's back to finishing up book three whenever I can find spare time. I'm having a blast writing it, so I'm eager to return to the characters and universe I'm creating.

Wish me luck, but first, me and this pretty girl are gonna catch up on our beauty sleep. We're both pooped!

Dusti catches a cat nap.

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